The Rural Hospital Catch-22: Can’t Afford Analytics, Can’t Survive Without It


Across the country, independent rural hospitals are facing a dilemma: they need to harness their data in order to measure their performance if they want to improve quality and operational efficiency, and yet they don’t have the budget to support building an internal team or purchasing expensive data warehouse software. They are caught in a catch-22: they can’t afford to develop analytic capabilities (or so they think), but they also can’t survive without those capabilities.

Listen to our newest podcast with DTA partner Kevin Campbell, who heads up DTA’s healthcare data warehousing and analytics practice, to hear a discussion about the challenges facing small hospitals today, and how even these organizations can make progress toward analytics competency even with limited resources.

I hope you like the podcast and welcome your comments and feedback. To access it go to and scroll down to our podcasts.

Also, we’ve started doing more podcasts here at DTA, so if you have a topic you’d like to hear discussed, please do share!

Pamela Hessler

We’ve helped clients across the country accelerate toward value-based healthcare delivery.

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