automation hub
Compendium doesn’t just find your data. It puts it where you need it.
No busywork required.
Ever waited weeks to get the report you need? Why does it sometimes take so long?
Here’s why:
Most of your organization’s data is probably in a data warehouse, where it can be easily accessed—but sometimes the data you need hasn’t been added yet.
Before the data team can even start on your report, they have to find, convert, and import the data source. For a busy data team, this task can sit in a queue for a week or more.
The Compendium Automation Hub eliminates the wait.
With Compendium, your data team can simply search for the data they need and, if it’s not already in the data warehouse, click a button to add it to the daily imports.
No time is wasted—and you get the reports you need faster than ever.

“Compendium has saved me hundreds of hours on busywork—so I can focus on strategic work instead.”
– Nicole Braegelmann, Healthcare Data Consultant
Less work. No wait.
Let’s say your CMO needs to know how quickly blood test results are being delivered to patients—but the lab’s blood test data hasn’t yet been added to the data warehouse.

Without Compendium:
1. The report writer sends a request to a data architect.
2. It waits in the queue.
3. The data architect builds, tests, deploys, and schedules the data load process.
4. The ticket goes into back into a queue for the report writer.
5. It waits in the queue.
6. The report writer delivers the report.

With Compendium:
1. The report writer checks a box in Compendium and the data is automatically imported overnight.
2. The report writer delivers the report.

Save time moving, converting, and cleaning data.
The Compendium Automation Hub is included free with every Compendium subscription. Schedule a 15-minute demo and we’ll show you how it works.

Wondering where to start?
Connect with us for a conversation, and we’ll help you determine the best place to begin. And sign up for occasional insight emails to see how other healthcare organizations are handling their data, and what you can do to get ahead.
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